Monday, July 13, 2015

Artscope on Dream Pod at Fruitlands Museum
This year's "Art in Nature" show at Fruitlands Museum is reviewed in July/Aug Artscope as a "Museum Profile" by Elizabeth Michelman. She includes this description:

"In the shade of another ancient pine, a Dr. Seussian blob (Phil Marshall), "Dream Pod") floats irreverently overhead, with improbable yellow-rimmed horns trumpeting out from its green skin in all directions. Absurdly issuing from the orifices, pink balls impaled on fiberglass wands bob lazily on the air currents."

Thanks Elizabeth. Vivid writing! (The balls are on spring steel not fiberglass actually, if anyone really wants to know)

This is the third of my "Fruit of Fancy" efforts. At the moment there is one in Michigan, one in New Hampshire, and this one in Massachusetts. Maybe they are an invasive.
"Dream Pod" installation  at the Frutlands Museum Art in Nature  sculpture show.


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Joanne. I must find out a bit about Dr. Seuse and why people often say the Fruits of Fancy pieces remind them of him. Coming from another culture, I havn't seen much of what he did, so never sure what to make of it.
