Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Installed for this year's Sculpture Now show at The Mount

A hot day Saturday to install at The Mount, but finally getting to see it all together as a completed installation for the first time was very satisfying. I am very pleased with the site; the verticals of the trees behind are great. And it was good to see the sun on the piece,  just as I planned.
People are saying that maybe this year's show will be the best ever.

This is "Next Stop Shibuya", (次は渋谷、渋谷),nine feet tall steel and paint, at The Mount, June 1st through October 31st, 2016

Although executed as an abstract sculpture, now completed, it reminds me of my rush hour experiences on the Tokyo Metro and commuter trains. Being crushed together, often face-to-face with total strangers, too squeezed together to even breath properly, requires a mental preservation of personal space that is not possible physically. The outward curve of these two elements suggests to me the mental separation despite physical proximity that Tokyo, like almost all large cities, requires if one is to maintain ones own individuality. Having been compressed into a railway car at Shinjuku, and being pushed further in at each stop, hearing The next stop is Shibuya, 次は渋谷、渋谷", my destination, was a welcome announcement.

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