Wednesday, May 1, 2013

"A Different Vision 2013"
I am excited about this upcoming show in Plymouth, which is a tactile art show primarily aimed at giving blind and partially sighted individuals an opportunity to experience visual art that is usually literally out of reach to them.
The show is at the Plymouth Center for the Arts, 11 North Street, Plymouth, MA. , Sunday May 12 through Saturday June 1, 2013.
There is an opening reception on Saturday May 11 at 7 pm. I will be interested that night to see the reactions to my piece "Resting Places". I love the feel of the polished slate; I found the light brown stones on the beach in Dover Harbour (England) in April.


  1. Obviously, I can't speak to the tactile experience, but it is visually beautiful.
    Like a Zen garden with all the raking!
    What are the dimensions?

  2. Thank you Joanne. Maybe my more than 30 visits to Japan had something to do with it. This piece is only 11 1/2 x 18 1/2 ins. I anticipated it would be very difficult to get a good image of it as the carving is quite subtle. I took this photo outside late in the day; the lighting is just the low sun, which has given it a real lift.
