Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Latest Outdoor Piece

Hope to have this out in public this summer:

"Care"; steel, pigment; 64 ins x 119 ins x 42 ins

I have had difficulty settling on a title that would not influence the viewer with regard to their own interpretation. I wanted to explore further the shape produced by joining two steel strips along a curved edge that I used in “Next Stop Shibuya”. The simple act of joining two simple shaped sheets can produce a three-dimensional object that reminds me of my times in Japan.  I also wanted to challenge myself to create a horizontal piece, and to explore contrasting planes with tubes. The resulting arched shape of the sheets suggested to me a recumbent person, the tubing providing support; I was reminded of the emotions provoked by “Pieta”. The contrasting shapes may suggest conflict or tension to some, whereas the composition may suggest the opposite to others. I would be happy to have this reworked in either stainless steel or bronze for a permanent piece at a hospital, or war memorial, and re-titled appropriately.

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